Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blessed by Lexington GBC

This past weekend Jil and I participated in a Missions Fair at the Lexington, OH GBC. It was such a great blessing. They really went all out to show their interest and support for us and the other missionaries there. We had a cookout Saturday evening with one of the adult bible fellowship classes. It was a great time of getting to know some of the individuals in the church. Then on Sunday, there was a fair at the church building like I've never seen before. Each of the ABF classes constructed a house representing the 6 different countries for the missionaries who were there. The amount of time and energy put into this was really impressive. There was also lots of great ethnic food and a pitch-in lunch afterwards. It was such a great time, and Jil and I were both really blessed and encouraged. Below are some pics from the event. Thanks so much Lexington folks!!

This is the Argentine house they built.

Emerson and her new friend, Emma,
trying to take down the Czech castle



Tara said...

Hey, it was fun to find you've been updating. I'll be checking it more now. Your time at Lexington sounded so encouraging. Praying for you all.

Unknown said...

I am so glad your trip was such a blessing and encouragement to you. The Argentine house is impressive. It sounds like a very cool body of believers. See you soon.